pondělí 8. prosince 2008


I think that we sometimes unintentionally hurt the other people. The point is that we often can't avoid it, because we don't realize it. I think that a lot of conflicts between people becomes from misunderstanding. Maybe we would be suprised if we knew what the others feel towards us. Maybe they just didn't say anything because they are afraid of that we will not understand them, or that we will reject them. But maybe they secretly don't like us and they just pretend, smiling when we approach to them, that they are glad they see us. I think that to open towards someone - anyone - requires a great deal of courage. People are much more often ashamed of that what they feel. I don't know any person who would be absolutely confident in expressing his/her feelings towards the others. Either their feelings are positive or negative, they are afraid to show it. I don't know if it is good or bad. I think that my life would be much easier if I was able
to express my positive and also negative feelings towards anyone. If my feelings were positive, I would feel more relaxed. And if my feelings were negative, I wouldn't feel as a coward that I didn't want to get myself into a problematic situation. And I would feel more relaxed, too, because I would just get rid of my tension :-)

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