pondělí 8. prosince 2008


I sometimes meet people who really influence my life somehow. I think those people have this ability, because they are really giving something from themselves. It is a big difference between a person who is doing his/her work becuase he/she considers it as an obligation only and a person who is doing the work because he/she really believes in that what he/she is doing.

I don't care about politics too much. I am not watching the news, I don't read the newspaper - I really am not educated in politics. Once I just turned on television, not to see anything particular, but just wondering what could have been shown there, and there was an old man speaking about contemporary politics. He has something inside him, which didn't allow me to stop listening to him. I think that that something was, that he really believed in what he was talking about. I felt towards the man a real respect. I knew that he really knew what he was speaking about. He wasn't doing any pathetic gestures. He spoke clearly and although he was criticizing the contemporary political situation, he remained polite. That was something I appreciated. It seemed to me that noone was really listening to him, the other politicians where speaking with each other freely. But in my eyes he gained a real respect and this I can't say about any other politician I know.

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