středa 12. listopadu 2008

Destiny or coincidence?

Do you believe in destiny, or do you think that everything is just a coincidence? Would you like your future to be predetermined already, or would you prefer to be sure of your freedom of making your desicions? I sometimes can't help myself of thinking that I really should have gone to that place, seen that movie, read that book, met that person and so on. I could call it destiny, but how can I know? I feel it like that because all those things gave me something, which enriched my life somehow. More or less, but that experience was so intensive that now I can't imagine, I shouldn't have gone through it. If I didn't do these thing, I would do something else. I would have seen a different movie, read a different book, met someone else. And perhaps those things would enrich my life in much greater way. I can never know.

I think there is a destiny for my life. But I think that I can influence my life also. Perhaps our destiny is what will be offered to us and our freedom is whether we accept these things, or not. I think it is a combination of our destiny and our free choice.

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