pondělí 17. listopadu 2008


It is very hard for me to overcome myself. It requires from me a great effort to win upon myself in daily small battles. There is a great amount of things I should do, but there is unfortunately also a great amount of my laziness. People often say that they have no time for things they want to do. I must admit that I have time enough, but still I don't manage to force myself to finish my work in time. It's pitty. I think that in this world are many interesting things I could learn. And I am sure that something from that could fulfil myself. It could be playing a musical instrument, or painting, reading, studying something, writing, travelling, collecting stamps, dancing, or anything different. I think these things can also help us when there is a problem, because we can express our feelings by a creative work and then feel better. It can work like an emotional ventilation a little.
I would like to overcome myself. If I am only wasting time in my life, than I will never manage anything, I will never give anything to others, because there will not be anything which would worth for giving. I don't want to live such a life, so I had better start to do something :-)

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