úterý 28. října 2008


I am sometimes thinking about relationships between men and women. People are often searching for happiness in love. They are often disappointed then. Sometimes people want to give to the second one everything. They change their life style and subordinate to the second one to make him/her happy. But I don't think this is right. I don't think that we once fall in love and everything will be all right since then. I think there is only one stable source of happiness and certainty and that is somewhere inside us. We will never be happy with someone since we learn to be happy although we are without a partner. When we once find this source, we become independent of the second one.
I once read somewhere that the sense of relationships is that both partners have to find a way back to each other again and again. I agree with this. I think relationships force us to give the best from us. It is not easy to stay with one man/woman for the rest of life. People are changing, relationships are changing. I think that to love someone and at the same time to stay innerly independent requires a lot from us. To fall in love once and to go through the ideal relationship without any problems wouldn't have any sense for me. It wouldn't force me anyhow to be a better person.

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