sobota 29. listopadu 2008


I think that people are the same everywhere. We live in different countries, we have different cultures, we speak different languages, we are either a man or a woman, but we are the same. I think that the thing which makes us the same is the fact that we feel. All people know more or less fear, hatred, love, kindness, cruelty. All people want to be happy, to feel certainty, to feel safe. So I believe that we have a chance to understand each other. Maybe that is also the reason why all of us understand the music. I don't have to understand a language of a song, but I can assume that this one is sad and this one is merry. A beautiful song can touch me the same as any other person with different culture. I wonder how would our world look like if we had an abillity to transfer our feelings to anyone we would like. If I saw a wonderful film which would touch me and if I wanted to share that feeling with my friend, I would try to narrate it and I would also try to explain how I felt. But I could try as hard as I could - I am sure my friend wouldn't be able to feel the same things as me. So she wouldn't probably understand me as much as I needed. But if I had this abillity, I would just transfer my feelings upon her and she would understand me in few seconds. Maybe it could improve relationships between people. I believe that a lot of conflicts are created because of misunderstanding. Perhaps there also wouldn't be so many conflicts between nations. But what can I know.

pondělí 17. listopadu 2008


It is very hard for me to overcome myself. It requires from me a great effort to win upon myself in daily small battles. There is a great amount of things I should do, but there is unfortunately also a great amount of my laziness. People often say that they have no time for things they want to do. I must admit that I have time enough, but still I don't manage to force myself to finish my work in time. It's pitty. I think that in this world are many interesting things I could learn. And I am sure that something from that could fulfil myself. It could be playing a musical instrument, or painting, reading, studying something, writing, travelling, collecting stamps, dancing, or anything different. I think these things can also help us when there is a problem, because we can express our feelings by a creative work and then feel better. It can work like an emotional ventilation a little.
I would like to overcome myself. If I am only wasting time in my life, than I will never manage anything, I will never give anything to others, because there will not be anything which would worth for giving. I don't want to live such a life, so I had better start to do something :-)

středa 12. listopadu 2008

Destiny or coincidence?

Do you believe in destiny, or do you think that everything is just a coincidence? Would you like your future to be predetermined already, or would you prefer to be sure of your freedom of making your desicions? I sometimes can't help myself of thinking that I really should have gone to that place, seen that movie, read that book, met that person and so on. I could call it destiny, but how can I know? I feel it like that because all those things gave me something, which enriched my life somehow. More or less, but that experience was so intensive that now I can't imagine, I shouldn't have gone through it. If I didn't do these thing, I would do something else. I would have seen a different movie, read a different book, met someone else. And perhaps those things would enrich my life in much greater way. I can never know.

I think there is a destiny for my life. But I think that I can influence my life also. Perhaps our destiny is what will be offered to us and our freedom is whether we accept these things, or not. I think it is a combination of our destiny and our free choice.