úterý 9. prosince 2008


Today I have decided to write about movies I like. I'll start with The Thin Red Line. It is about soldiers in the World War Two. It is the best movie about war I have ever seen. I like it because it isn't based on action scenes. There is a deep insight into the emotions and thinkings of soldiers. They are feeling human beings and that is the way how they are presented in the movie.
Another movie is Babel. I like this one, because it shows to me that all people are same in one thing. We all are searching for happiness and we all feel. I think when we realize it, we can better understand the others, who are at first sight absolutely different.
Another one is The Pianist. Another movie about the World War Two. But this one is about one person - a pianist. It is about the change which the war brought to his life. About that how he was loosing things he loved one by one. His work, family....I like the ending of this movie,but I am not going to reveal it :-).
Then of course The Last Unicorn, the fairy-tale I already wrote about.
Another one is The English Patient. I don't know why I like this one so much. It is the movie about love - two loves in fact. The stories of characters seemed so true to me, that I believed everything I saw. I couldn't stop watching the movie and when it finished I was weeping and I didn't know why.
So these are movies, which touched me somehow. My favourite :-)

pondělí 8. prosince 2008


I think that we sometimes unintentionally hurt the other people. The point is that we often can't avoid it, because we don't realize it. I think that a lot of conflicts between people becomes from misunderstanding. Maybe we would be suprised if we knew what the others feel towards us. Maybe they just didn't say anything because they are afraid of that we will not understand them, or that we will reject them. But maybe they secretly don't like us and they just pretend, smiling when we approach to them, that they are glad they see us. I think that to open towards someone - anyone - requires a great deal of courage. People are much more often ashamed of that what they feel. I don't know any person who would be absolutely confident in expressing his/her feelings towards the others. Either their feelings are positive or negative, they are afraid to show it. I don't know if it is good or bad. I think that my life would be much easier if I was able
to express my positive and also negative feelings towards anyone. If my feelings were positive, I would feel more relaxed. And if my feelings were negative, I wouldn't feel as a coward that I didn't want to get myself into a problematic situation. And I would feel more relaxed, too, because I would just get rid of my tension :-)


I sometimes meet people who really influence my life somehow. I think those people have this ability, because they are really giving something from themselves. It is a big difference between a person who is doing his/her work becuase he/she considers it as an obligation only and a person who is doing the work because he/she really believes in that what he/she is doing.

I don't care about politics too much. I am not watching the news, I don't read the newspaper - I really am not educated in politics. Once I just turned on television, not to see anything particular, but just wondering what could have been shown there, and there was an old man speaking about contemporary politics. He has something inside him, which didn't allow me to stop listening to him. I think that that something was, that he really believed in what he was talking about. I felt towards the man a real respect. I knew that he really knew what he was speaking about. He wasn't doing any pathetic gestures. He spoke clearly and although he was criticizing the contemporary political situation, he remained polite. That was something I appreciated. It seemed to me that noone was really listening to him, the other politicians where speaking with each other freely. But in my eyes he gained a real respect and this I can't say about any other politician I know.

neděle 7. prosince 2008


I think that studying isn't everything. I think that one shoud also live the life. It sometimes seems to me that people are full of stress from work and deadlines. But it is important to have some time for doing things we like. I think if we really study something so that we can see the connections between things, it can give us a wisdom. I believe that studying is really important, but to be with friends or with family, to spend some pleasant time is important also. I have A LOT to do for school. I shoud know so many things from my earlier education process, but instead of learning again everything I should know, I am often doing something different. Why should I always hurry somewhere - to be at home in time to catch to read this and that, and to learn this, to search for that - I sometimes really feel exhausted. I don't want to forget that to learn something which is interesting for me gives me more, than to learn something only because of the exam. Sometimes I would really like to read something interesting, but I just know that I have little time for that. The fact that there are some terms and deadlines spoils my pleasure from self-studying :-)

středa 3. prosince 2008


Today I have decided to write about my favourite fairy-tale. It is a movie called The Last Unicorn. It was cinematized according to a fantasy novel written by Peter S. Beagle. It is about the last unicorn, who tries to rescue the other unicorns from king Haggard. Unicorns don't feel neither love nor sadness. This unicorn is on his way changed into a woman, so he can feel human emotions since then. She falls in love with a man. This is a feeling which was unknown for him/her. The point is that only this unicorn can rescue the others, because he is different from them - he knows love. When the man she loves nearly dies because of the attack of the Red Bull, she is able to fight with him. It is love which helps her to defeat the the Red Bull and so rescue the other unicorns. I think there are some messages in stories. I like this fairy tale because of this message, but I also like it, because when I see that I really believe that those characters feel. I believe that they are real.

sobota 29. listopadu 2008


I think that people are the same everywhere. We live in different countries, we have different cultures, we speak different languages, we are either a man or a woman, but we are the same. I think that the thing which makes us the same is the fact that we feel. All people know more or less fear, hatred, love, kindness, cruelty. All people want to be happy, to feel certainty, to feel safe. So I believe that we have a chance to understand each other. Maybe that is also the reason why all of us understand the music. I don't have to understand a language of a song, but I can assume that this one is sad and this one is merry. A beautiful song can touch me the same as any other person with different culture. I wonder how would our world look like if we had an abillity to transfer our feelings to anyone we would like. If I saw a wonderful film which would touch me and if I wanted to share that feeling with my friend, I would try to narrate it and I would also try to explain how I felt. But I could try as hard as I could - I am sure my friend wouldn't be able to feel the same things as me. So she wouldn't probably understand me as much as I needed. But if I had this abillity, I would just transfer my feelings upon her and she would understand me in few seconds. Maybe it could improve relationships between people. I believe that a lot of conflicts are created because of misunderstanding. Perhaps there also wouldn't be so many conflicts between nations. But what can I know.

pondělí 17. listopadu 2008


It is very hard for me to overcome myself. It requires from me a great effort to win upon myself in daily small battles. There is a great amount of things I should do, but there is unfortunately also a great amount of my laziness. People often say that they have no time for things they want to do. I must admit that I have time enough, but still I don't manage to force myself to finish my work in time. It's pitty. I think that in this world are many interesting things I could learn. And I am sure that something from that could fulfil myself. It could be playing a musical instrument, or painting, reading, studying something, writing, travelling, collecting stamps, dancing, or anything different. I think these things can also help us when there is a problem, because we can express our feelings by a creative work and then feel better. It can work like an emotional ventilation a little.
I would like to overcome myself. If I am only wasting time in my life, than I will never manage anything, I will never give anything to others, because there will not be anything which would worth for giving. I don't want to live such a life, so I had better start to do something :-)